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Coastal Motorcross Club to host 2018 AJMX | Latest

Motorcycling Australia has announced the 2018 Australian Junior Motocross Championship (AJMX) will be held in Penguin, Tasmania hosted by the Coastal Motorcross Club in late September/early October.

The announcement marks the first time since 2004 that AJMX has been hosted on the island State and the Coastal Motocross Club (CMXC) has contributed in hosting many successful events including the 2015 Australian Four Day Enduro (A4DE). President Stuart Weller saying; “The Club is looking forward to hosting the AJMX, being the pinnacle of Junior Championships in Australia.”

“The CMXC club and committee are very excited to have this high profile event back in Tasmania. We will strive to make this an enjoyable and memorable event for all competitors and mainland visitors.” Weller continued.

“I know Coastal Motocross Club with the support of all the clubs in Tasmania will do a fantastic job of hosting the Australian Junior Championships for 2018. Tasmania is a beautiful place at that time of the year, and it will be great for locals to have the chance to come and enjoy some of the best motocross talent Australia has to offer on one of the top tracks in the country!” Weller concluded.

The 2018 World Junior Motocross Championships will be held in mid to late August 2018 in Horsham, prior to the 2018 Australian Junior Motocross which will be held in Penguin, Tasmania.

The 2017 Australian Junior Motocross Championships are scheduled to be held in Horsham, Victoria on 30th September – 7th October 2017.

Motorcycling Australia would also like to advise that the following Championships are now available for hosting by suitable applicants:
Junior Motocross (2019 only)
ATV Motocross (2018 & 2019)
Classic Motocross (2018 & 2019)
Post Classic Motocross (2018 & 2019)
Please return completed Expression of Interest form to: Motorcycling Australia’s Event Coordinator – Off-Road, Matthew Falvo at

The closing application date for 2019 Junior Motocross is Friday April 14, 2017. Upon receipt of your club’s Expression of Interest, Motorcycling Australia will send additional information on the specific championship and the requirements therein.

Expression of Interest forms for Australian Motorcycle Sport National Championships can be found by clicking here.