The venue will be constructed within the confines of Eastern Creek International Karting Raceway, which celebrates its 20th anniversary this month and will change its name to Sydney Premier Karting Park.

After a lengthy process to present its plans to Council, Sydney Indoor MotoX owners Mattew and Barbara Bartolo are thrilled with the news that Council has approved Western Sydney’s newest tourist attraction.

“We’ve had a lot of support from riders and the industry – of course all keen to know when we’re going to be built and operational, but it was a long process and we had to get it right,” explained Mattew Bartolo. “We wanted to ensure we had every piece of information Council needed before submitting the Application and in the initial phase for a speedy approval.

“It is an unbelievable feeling to get the Development Application passed unopposed and a testament to my consultants’ determination to get it correct first time around.”

He is confident that the final Construction Certificate can be presented before the end of the year, along with awarding tenders and then construction can take place early in the new year.

Mr. Bartolo is importing the air-filled dome that will cover the facility from the United States, where its development will be finalised in the coming weeks. Once it is in Australia, it will be assembled on site at Eastern Creek before being elevated over the site.

The Sydney Indoor MotoX Park will encompass multi-million dollar upgrades to the karting facility’s outer grounds to allow for race team transporters and trailers to visit the facility.

“We can’t thank Garry and Sandy Holt from Eastern Creek Karting Raceway enough for their help, they have gone above and beyond for us,” Bartolo added. “Their support has been invaluable, along with several people at Blacktown City Council, and key members of our family and team that have worked closely with us to ensure everything we needed to get this across the line was correct.

“The path is cleared now for the dream to become a reality for local, social and professional riders to now have their own state of the art complex in Sydney.

“The enthusiasm for Sydney Indoor MotoX Park from when we first mentioned the project through the launch and application phase has been quite overwhelming.

“It is a project that the whole dirt bike industry can be part of and utilise year round and we want everyone to embrace it.”

Aside from the indoor tracks designed by an international track builder, Sydney Indoor MotoX Park will feature spectator seating, a cafe, merchandise and trade areas and a mezzanine area that can be used by spectators or turned into a corporate presentation area.

It will operate seven days a week from 7am to 10pm and will be climate controlled throughout the year.

Soaring 28 metres (nine storeys) high adjacent to the M4 Motorway, it is going to be quite a sight in Western Sydney and will become a destination for motorcyclists around Australia and the world.

Hire bikes will be available for hire, or riders can bring their own and it is open to riders of every age and skill bracket.

Based around recreational riders, Sydney Indoor MotoX Park aims to develop opportunities for junior training days along with engaging bike shops within the drive area to utilise it for customer and manufacturer events, along with ‘boot camps’ for young riders and those looking to improve their skills.

More information about Sydney Indoor MotoX Park can be found at:
