The club is passionately behind women’s motocross racing, and with a healthy stock of girl racers of all ages and a 50% gender split among its officials, attracting the battle for the Maroon plate to CQ was an obvious goal.

“We really wanted to showcase the high quality and breadth of women’s motocross in Queensland,” said the club’s Media Officer Sharon Pease, whose own daughter just began motorcycling and is soon to give chase to her motocross racing brothers.

“Our Secretary of many years, Mel Stewart, has her youngest just starting this year, so she’ll be one of the youngest female racers in the club.

“I truly believe motocross is an amazing sport,” continues Pease, “not just for my children but for the whole family.

“Our club has been working to increase female presence within the sport, and we saw this as the perfect opportunity to promote female riders from far and wide as we deliver the best event our region can offer.”

The Mosquito Creek track is situated about 20km from town and only a couple of minutes from Lake Maraboon, a beautiful lake that offers a caravan park, small restaurant and great water sports.

A small but highly active and enthusiastic Emerald club has been facilitating local motocross since the early ‘80s, and last hosted the Queensland Motocross Championships back in 2009.

Right now, the club and its members are driving hard behind the scenes with sponsors and local businesses to deliver a number of discounts and concessions to visiting riders, and planning a presentation party to give the State crown the sense of occasion it deserves.

“We can’t wait to show some more CQ hospitality to the many visitors from the south and north,” says Pease.

“Mayfair Tavern has announced that anyone who mentions us when they book accommodation will be given a corporate rate. They’ve got a great restaurant and will also be helping to provide meals to the track on Friday and Saturday night.

“We have organised Jake Gook Training to hold a female-only coaching clinic on the weekend of the 23/24 June. Jake is a successful local rider who can provide participants not only some great coaching but an insight into the track.

“We are very excited to be holding the Championships and have plenty of announcements coming up, and you can keep track with our Qld Women’s Motocross Championships 2018 Facebook page or by plugging into our Instagram, qldwomensmotoxchamps2018 .”