Honda welcomes riders; Ricky Latimer, Loch Latimer, Joel Green, James Alen, Izak Maule, Jai Constantinou, Tyler Darby, Caleb Goullet and Lachie Davis, as well as continuing satellite Honda rider Joel Wightman and ex-Honda junior rider Rhys Budd who, with much anticipation is stepping up to the MX/SX2.
All will compete in the newly formed Honda Genuine Ride Red team in the MX Nationals and Australian Supercross championship this season across the SX/MX2 and SX/MX1 categories.
Honda’s Brand and Motorsports Manager Glyn Griffiths is very pleased with the new program; “This is a great initiative and everyone at Honda is excited. We are backing riders to compete at a local and National level and we are committed to helping this talented group of privateer riders achieve their respective goals.” Griffiths said.
Factory team owner Yarrive Konsky welcomes the privateer program; “Honda’s Junior program is remarkable and their Factory and Satellite Championship winning programs have achieved a great deal of success. The only thing that has been missing is a privateer program that helped riders transition into professional racing so the new ‘Ride Red’ team compliments everything Honda has been doing.” Konsky said.
The all-new Honda Genuine RIDE RED team will debut at Round 1 of the MX Nationals in April.