Honda has confirmed it will no longer sell ATVs in Australia after 10 October next year due to new safety standards passed by the Australian government.
Honda’s withdrawal from the Australian ATV market has been on the cards since the Government passed new safety standards making rollover bars mandatory on all ATV quad bikes sold in Australia, excluding race quads.
The laws were passed in October last year and manufacturers were given until October 10 next year to comply. Today, Honda Australia has officially confirmed it will withdraw from the Australian ATV market and will no longer sell ATVs in Australia after October 10, 2021.
In a statement, Honda Australia said;
The Standard represents a set of regulations that cannot be entirely met by any ATV (Quad) bike in the market today, and is unlikely to be met by anything in the future and forces Honda to exit the ATV category.
“The new Standard is extremely disappointing for farm safety and the countless farmers who rely on quad bikes every day. The safety of our customers is paramount, we will never compromise on this. Now that the rules have changed, it means we have to say goodbye to our ATV line up down under,” said Managing Director of Honda Australia Motorcycle and Power Equipment, Mr Robert Toscano.
“Safety standards must be evidence-based, in both criteria and testing methods, to internationally accepted standards. Honda has provided research to show the negative outcomes of the governments’ proposal but unfortunately it was not considered and we are here in this position today,” Mr Toscano continued.
Honda will continue to advocate for the known and proven safety measures, accepted and agreed by safety experts, coronial inquests and the manufacturers which are: mandating helmets for all quad bike riders, support for mandating rider training and stopping children under 16 years of age from riding adult size quad bikes.
This advocacy also remains critical for most forms of farm vehicles including motorcycles and SSV.
“In light of this, we want to assure customers that Honda will continue to support ATV parts and servicing for the next decade at a minimum. We also offer a range of purpose built SXS (Side by Sides) in our Pioneer line up and our ever-popular Honda AG bikes.” Mr Toscano finished.
Honda has confirmed it will continue to support parts and servicing until at least 2030. Honda dealerships will be depleting their stock in the lead up to this date with some models to be discontinued as of October 10 this year.
These models (except TRX680FA) have been replaced with the new 520 range that will be available up until October 2021.
All Honda ATV models will be discontinued after October 2021.
The news follows Yamaha Motor Australia and Polaris both announcing they will also stop selling ATVs in Australia from October next year.
Suzuki’s position is that it will also withdraw from the Australian ATV market, but an official statement has not been made.
Kawasaki Australia has not released a statement on the matter.