Everyone has had a dented rim. If you have just forked out some hard-earned to equip your bike with a fresh set of anodised rims then the last thing you want is dents.

Even the best rims can be dented. Wheels go through an absolute pounding. If you have managed to dent your rims, then here is how you get them out.

Pressing out dents


1. Remove the wheel


Remove the wheel and give it a clean so there is no dirt or anything around the rim.

2. Remove the tyre from the rim


After removing the tyre from the rim, remove and set aside the tube, rim tape and rimlock. Make sure they are in good condition. A hit that’s bad enough to dent a rim can damage the tyre.

3. Wooden platform


Place a large piece of wood on the bed of your press. Make sure this timber is solid and stable as this will be what your rim is sitting on while you are pressing the dents out.

4. Dent facing upwards


Place the rim on the piece of wood on the press, with the dent facing upwards. Take a large, flat piece of steel and lay it over the dent. Make sure this piece of steel is flat, smooth and clean. If it is not then it will mark your rim. Apply pressure to the rim slowly and gradually.

Take your time and be patient, regularly relieving the pressure and removing the steel to check for cracks or damage.
If there are any cracks or damage, stop immediately. You may need to move the point you are pressing on slightly but always put the force of the press over the highest point of the dent.

5. Clean the rim


Once you are happy with the job, give the rim a clean off and refit the tyre. If you took your time and used a clean, flat piece of steel then the dent will be barely noticeable and there will be minimal marking of the rim.

6. Check your pressures


Refit the wheel, check your tyre pressures and try not to dent your rim again.


Proceed with caution when pressing out dents as excessive force can crack the rim, making it worthless


• Even the best rims can be dented. Wheels go through an absolute pounding.
• To prevent dents it’s always recommended that you check your tyre pressures before each ride and do your best to avoid square-edge hits and sharp rocks. If you have managed to dent your rims, then here is how you get them out.
• Take your time and be patient, regularly relieving the pressure and removing the steel to check for cracks or damage. If there are any cracks or damage, stop immediately. You may need to move the point you are pressing on slightly but always put the force of the press over the highest point of the dent.


• Take your time and don’t rush.
• If you notice any cracking or damage to the rim, stop immediately.
• Use a solid, wooden platform under the rim.
• Use a smooth, flat and clean piece of steel over the rim so it will direct the pressure over a larger area of your rim, making it less likely to crack or fold.


• Rush and apply too much pressure.
• Use jiggered or rough steel to press against the rim or it will mark the rim.
• Don’t use any small parts to press against the rim or apply pressure in a small area as the rim may crack or bend.
• Apply excessive force to the rim or it will become narrower.

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