We’re looking at deep, long straight ruts that are full of mud and found regularly on winter trailrides or the notoriously muddy, Kamfari.

How many times have you come across a long, deep muddy rut and, at the last minute, decided to park your arse, pull your boots up and coast through without getting dirty?

Well, according to Grabbo, that’s not such a bad thing. Sure it might be technically incorrect and you should hit it standing but the great man says it can be just as efficient providing you follow a few simple instructions.


If you’re coming from a standing position, you want to make sure you land with your arse in the middle of the seat. If you’re too far back, the front wheel may pop a mono, forcing you to decelerate and lose control but if you’re too far forward the rear wheel will lose traction and spin in the slop.


If your ’pegs are likely to drag on the inside of the rut, you will need to make sure you have enough momentum and power to push through while they dig in. Keep you finger over the clutch lever and maintain a steady throttle. Don’t be erratic or you will risk wheelspin.


If the rut is really deep, you will be forced to take your feet off the ’pegs or they’ll get blown off and you’ll end up doing a Superman Seat Grab. Lift your feet up, keeping your knees bent at a right angle to the bike. Instead of using them like jousting sticks, which can put you off balance, slide them along the ground to give you balance.


Try and keep the tips of your boots off the ground so they do not dig in and slow you down. While motoring along you can use your legs to paddle and maintain momentum. Try and avoid stopping, even to roost your mate who’s been up your arse, as restarting can be difficult in slop, especially if your ’pegs have gone mining.


What we often see is people taking their feet off the ’pegs and instantly sliding back on the seat. You will need to keep your upper body erect to avoid this and don’t let your feet dig in. Hold onto the bike with your arms and try not to make any twitchy throttle movements as that will throw you off balance. Steady momentum is your key here.


In the image below, Grabbo demonstrates the right way to hit a long, straight mud rut. If you don’t have the leg strength or talent to stay standing, it is okay to sit down, but try to avoid it. Here’s three simple tips to help you stand through long, straight, deep ruts:

When approaching the rut keep your body relaxed and mobile. Remain centred over the bike and in the attack position with elbows and knees bent to absorb hidden tree roots in the bog.

Allow the bike to move under you while your body stays neutral. When the bike hits the deep rut it is going to feel like it is on rails and will only go where the rut wants it to, so let it and then counter-balance with your body.

Don’t look down. Focus on the end of the rut and that will help keep you from high-siding out or getting crossed up.

Who’s It For?

Beginner. A decent rider should be able to fly through this standing up but if you’re tired at the end of a long day trailriding then take a seat.
Trailriding. If you’re doing this in an A-grade motocross race, then you’re probably in the wrong discipline.
This trick doesn’t require practice as anyone can do it.
Being shorter here will actually be better as you will not feel as cramped on the bike.
Unless the nasty mud monster sucks you under there is no risk of getting hurt.
No bragging rights but if your mates laugh at you for sitting down wait until they’re up your arse and give them a face full as you exit the rut.