It may not seem like much but the Motul Air Filter Wash Kit is a very handy piece of equipment. Sure, it might just look like a glorified bucket to wash your air filter in but it’s the convenience and accessories that make it a great belated Christmas present.
All-in-one Having a bucket to keep my drying rack, filter oil and oiling container is incredibly handy. Previously, all those bits had been loose and would often go missing in my garage. I’d have the oil on a shelf, the bucket under a work bench and the drying rack was anyone’s guess, but it all conveniently fits into the one wash bucket with a lid!
Rack The rack that sits at the bottom of the bucket is good for getting the filter off the base of the bucket when letting the excess oil drip off it.
Oil The kit comes with Motul Air Filter Oil which has been excellent at trapping dust, water and mud from getting in my bike’s vital organs. I’ve been a little slack this year on filter cleans and the Sherco 300 SE Factory is still going strong.
Grease and cleaner The kit comes with Motul Grease, which has done a good job at ensuring the filter always has a good seal and it comes with Motul Filter Clean which has been excellent at stripping out old oil and dirt without decaying the foam. I prefer it to turps because it seems to be soft on the foam.
Price It seems expensive for a bucket but remember you get all of the other products with it too.
It’s convenient having all my filter cleaning and servicing products in one place. The oil has been excellent at stopping unwanted elements and the cleaner has proven useful at stripping out the old oil and dirt without ruining the filter. I’ve washed the same filter four times and it’s still fine.
Mitch Lees