THE BASICS WHAT 1982 Kawasaki AE80 WHEN ADB, April, 1982 PURPOSE Fun bike HOW MUCH Price not given The Kawasaki AE80 belongs…
When you become a parent you soon figure out the rules: don’ t mention that broken legs hurt more than childbirth, new bikes can no longer spend their first night…
The bike was fine for Pierre to cruise the Champs Elysee, impressing mademoiselles sipping café au lait. It was not the bike for Bluey Hogan to ride to Ayres Rock.
If you’ve never thrown a leg over a dirtbike it can look fun, exciting and even easy from the outside, but the reality is riding a dirtbike not only requires…
When comparing the Yamaha WR450F vs YZ450F there are a lot of subtle differences. The YZ has been designed purely for motocross. The frame is designed to flex over…
The new Husqvarna TE250’s motor is awesome. Right off the bottom it produces a nice, smooth power curve that can be torqued down to nothing or revved to the moon.
Adventure bikes are chosen for a variety of reasons but, usually, they will be very different reasons from those you’d use when buying an enduro weapon. Most newbies will go…
And the reason we were excited was that we would be able to find out what changes the best off-road racer on the planet had made to the stock bikes.
The all new for 2017 Honda CRF450R is completely redesigned from the ground up. It’s THE BIKE everyone has been waiting for this year and has created more interest amongst…