Motorcycling Australia (MA) and Rockhampton and District Motocross Club have postponed the KTM Australian Junior Motocross Championship (AJMX) due to ongoing developments in relation to COVID-19.
Initially scheduled to run July 6-11, 2020, MA and Rockhampton and District Motocross Club are now exploring the possibility of holding the event during the term three school holidays. Dates will be confirmed later this year.
“With strict travel restrictions and border closures across Australia both MA and Rockhampton and District Motocross Club felt it would be impossible for teams and riders to properly prepare and attend the event,” said Motorcycling Australia CEO Peter Doyle.
“Together with the club we have made this tough decision, and they should be congratulated for being proactive in looking to hold the 2020 KTM AJMX later this year.”