After our MX Editor Lee Hogan addressed the correct technique for foot positioning yesterday, he went and asked the pros what they do.
Aaron Tanti, CDR Yamaha Monster Energy Racing Team
“It’s always an interesting take on feet positioning when riding motocross or supercross. One of the main points that always comes up is what’s the benefit of riding on the balls of your feet compared to the arches? The main benefit is having the extra movement in your ankles which is almost like a bit of suspension in a way. It also helps to keep your bike planted and give you extra traction.”
Todd Waters- TDub Husqvarna Racing
“This is a great topic for me as I’m the worlds’ worst at it. I had the opportunity to work with Ben Townley for a couple of days and he helped me massively with my footwork. My entire career I rode flat-footed, knees forward and relied too much on my upper body strength. In 2018 I worked really hard on getting back to the balls of my feet and keeping my knees back, bending at my hips and keeping my chin over the bars.
“This helped me to win the 2019 MX Championship. This year after a bit of time off the bike, I’ve fallen back to my old ways. I’m really working hard at the moment on these exact things. This is something that is hard for me and doesn’t come natural”.
Brett Metcalfe- Go 24 Penrite Racing
“Foot positioning is so important to allow proper bike control instead of having the bike control you. A lot of the time riding on the balls of your feet is the key to create this but it can also be over exaggerated at times. So make sure your boot is planted on the pegs and don’t go back too far to your tippy toes if that makes sense. Often on a flat heavy landing I’ll land with my foot positioned on the arches to help with the impact”.
Kayden Minear- Factory KTM Racing Team
“Foot positioning is such an important thing in motocross and takes a while to know when is the right time to get back to the balls of your feet. If you get it wrong you can easily get an injury or even crash so you need to get your timing right”.
Riding on Arches!
- Less impact when casing a jump
- You can reach your gear shift and back brake
- Greater risk of injury due to exposed toe under the gear shift or sticking out to the side
Riding on the balls of your feet!
- Greater height from your bum to your seat
- Assisted flexion in the ankle joint
- Feet grip slightly further back on the bike
- Less risk of exposing the front of your boot to the track or track markers
- You can’t reach your gear shift and back brake
- Greater risk of injury with big impacts
For the full feature, check out issue #530 of ADB.